The prevention division’s 4 missions: Prevent – Intervene – Support – Train

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  • Organising prevention actions in schools as well as in various institutions welcoming children, adolescents and young adults;
  • Contributing to the works done by health education and citizenship comities (CESC);
  • Hosting fun stands during events (ex. The Day of the Children’s Rights);
  • Working alongside the members of the educational teams and being connected to the headmasters as well as the school psychologists of the schools that have been visited (liaison work).


  • Intervening on the demand of schools following incidents involving the internet and T.I.C (defamation, cyber-harassment, impersonation);
  • Suggesting solutions adapted to the issue at stake (Ex. group meeting, debate, reflection workshop, mediation action) – Participating in the troublemaker’s management;
  • Insuring the continuity of the educational action;
  • Participating in national and international meetings (Council of Europe, COFACE).


  • Supporting parents by listening to them and offering them guidance when needed;
  • Offering parents a support with round tables and reflexion workshops;
  • Being a link with the parent teacher associations (APEM and APPEL) and sometimes participating in joint projects (ex. Trait d’Union);
  • Giving advice to headmasters and educational teams when a crisis or conflictive situation occurs;
  • Supporting and assisting students and victims (ex. Filing charges)


  • Offering training to educational teams and supervising staff with themes such as the problems linked to the use and misuse of information and communication technology. Ex. Training on harassment and cyber harassment (all levels); Training on the game of three figures (Prevention of shocking images in kindergarten);
  • Helping in the implementation of training for students-mediators.
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